Veterinary Integrated Analyzer

vetXpert Cube

Vet Expert, Smart Cube
Integrated analyzer with high efficiency

Both chemistry and immunoassay tests can be done in vetXpert Cube, at most 70+ items can be detected.

Intelligent connection

Full control of instruments including hematology, chemistry, immunoassay analyzers, vetXpert system is capable to significantly improve diagnosis efficiency for your lab.

Comprehensive panels for diagnosis

28 items in one panel, which realizes a ref lab level test in the pet clinic in just 12minutes with 100ul blood.

Qualitative tests can be read by analyzer

Both quantitative and qualitative cartridges can be read by the analyzer, which is more accurate and sensitive for low value sample.

First choice for diagnosis

We totally provide multiple panels for your selection, which covers different diseases diagnosis demands.

A wide range of diseases

At most 30+ immunoassay items can be done, which fully covers the clinical demands for in house tests.

vetXpert Information System

Test Items

Types Description Test items
Chemistry Comprehensive Diagnosis Panel TP, ALB, GLOB, A/G, ALT, AST, AST/ALT, ALP, GGT, TBIL, BUN, CREA, BUN/CREA, AMY,TC, GLU, Na+, K+, Na/K, Cl-, PHOS, Ca, CaxP, tCO2, CK, LDH, TBA*, TG*
Chemistry Diagnosis/Health Check Panel TP, ALB, GLOB, A/G, ALT, ALP, GGT, TBIL, BUN, CREA, BUN/CREA, AMY, TC, GLU, PHOS, Ca, CaxP, CK, TG*
Chemistry Preanesthetic Evaluation Panel TP, ALB, GLOB, A/G, ALT, ALP, BUN, CREA, BUN/CREA, GLU
Chemistry Liver Recheck Panel TP, ALB, GLOB, A/G, ALT, AST, AST/ALT, ALP, GGT, TBIL, BUN, TC, GLU, TBA*
Chemistry Kidney Recheck Panel TP, ALB, GLOB, A/G, BUN, CREA, BUN/CREA, PHOS, Ca, CaxP, UA
Chemistry Electrolyte Panel BUN, CREA, BUN/CREA, GLU, Na+, K+, Na/K, PHOS, Ca, CaxP, Cl-, tCO2, Mg
Chemistry Critical Care Panel ALT, BUN, CREA, BUN/CREA, GLU, Na+, K+, Na/K, Cl-, tCO2
Chemistry Avian / Reptilian Panel TP, ALB, GLOB, A/G, AST, BUN, TC, GLU, Na+, K+, Na/K, PHOS, Ca, CaxP, CK, LDH, UA, Mg, TBA*, TG*
Immunoassay Inflammation, pancreatitis, kidney disease, heart disease, infectious diseases, tick-bornes, Antibody titer. CPV Ag*, CCV Ag, CDV Ag*, CIV Ag, HW Ag, E.canis Ab, Anapl. Ab, Lyme Ab, Giardia Ag, FPV Ag*, CoV Ag, FToxop Ab*, FIV Ab, FeLV Ag, cCRP, fSAA, cPL, fPL, cSDMA, fSDMA, cD-dimer, cCortisol, cT4, fT4, cTSH, cProg, CAV Ab*, CDV Ab*, CPV Ab*, FPV Ab*, FHV Ab*, FCV Ab*, cNT-proBNP, fNT-proBNP, cTnI, fTnI

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